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The Objet Trouve

When I stumbled upon a piece of trash near my apartment in Baltimore, I thought about the found art movement I had just been researching, as a tangent to my MICA thesis project.

objet trash.jpg

Objet trouvé translates to 'found object' and that's exactly what this was. I wanted to use typography to help make that connection, using this definition I found on Google.

Graffiti Alley, Baltimore

The area of Baltimore where I live has a lot of graffiti art, so this was my inspiration for typography, while trying not to overpower the image.

Objet Trouve Infographics

I wanted to keep designing with found objects, and decided to collage found-typography and trash-textures as statistics for a series of infographics drawing unique attention to environmental problems.


After some research, I found shocking figures for garbage statistics in the US and some even more revealing numbers about Baltimore's "solution."

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